Blocks between the work places of the largest cock and the smallest cock I've ever seen irl - 1.5
Number of people whose mouths I've bled on that are now sleeping on my couch - 1
Athletes I am unable/willing to identify - every athlete
Texts I am too hungover to read - 19
Missed calls in a half hour from a single person in the middle of the night - 23
Ringer volume - 0
Play count of Under The Earth in the past half hour - every play counts
Times Jacob told me we were meant to be together together while he had a girlfriend - a lot of the fucking times
Times I wanted to make out with a guy asking for change last night - 1
Positive value adjectives attributed to me during breakups - a lot
Crazy volume - 8
Dead things I saw on my walk yesterday - 2
Girls in the bathroom after a DMX song starts at Emily car free-for-all-dirty-crayon-breathe-strawberry-scented-faux-lesbian night at fortune - (-1)
Male sexuality - start a dialogue
Scale value of my attraction to x________, the prettiest Chinese man with the gelliest hair to size of my engorged labia 4:3 [_____________] 5m
Fucks given - 6
All the times I got laid..... and other shizz.
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